Upaya Meningkatkan Pelayanan Keagenan di Pelabuhan Marunda Jakarta
Studi Kasus: pada PT Tama Anugerah Mandiri Jakarta
Improvement, Service, Marunda PortAbstract
To support marine transportation activities, especially in the field of ship agency, in this thesis the researcher describes the purpose of this study is to determine efforts to improve services at the port of Marunda, Jakarta (case study: at PT Tama Anugerah Mandiri Jakarta, whether in agency service activities can improve services at the port of Marunda in ship agency activities at the port of Marunda. In ship service activities must run optimally so that it can improve services at the port and the company can compete with other agency company management, interviews, and documentation studies then the data obtained are analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of the study indicate that the service at the port of Marunda and the agency company PT Tama Anugerah Mandiri has been implemented well but must be even more so that it can compete with other shipping companies engaged in ship agency services. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that PT. Tama Anugerah Mandiri must have a better procedure in clearance activities in order to be able to provide maximum and satisfactory service for ship owner companies and hand over their ships to always be served when they return.
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